So much new content. Check it out

FSFVcoverTwitter1Hi Friends,

It’s been a long while since I posted anything on my site. My apologies. I invite you to join my Youtube channel: Faint Signals from Vega where I post much of my content now. I seem to prefer these days to do livestreams and vlogs mostly. I still post podcast content on and it has some different content to what’s on my Youtube channel, so I invite you to check both sites out.

I’ve been doing an almost weekly livestream on the Facebook page Real Progressives which has approximately 117K subscribers. The folks there have been very friendly and open to my vegan livestreams and also my livestreams where I interview anti-war, anti-imperialist activists and independent journalists. I think you will find it interesting.

I feel very strongly about the need for a strong anti-war movement. I think also that those who have an interest in anti-war anti-imperialism, will also hopefully be interested in becoming vegan. After all it is within this framework of justice and nonviolence.

Here are a few of the 53 vlogs and livestream videos I have done over this year so far.   Please also subscribe to my page which is under construction. Thanks for your support 🙂



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Be Fair Be Vegan Campaign Comes to Hobart Tasmania (AU)


Listen here

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Vegan Trove Podcast Ep 59: Vaccinations and Children: The Issues (Updated Version TBA)

UPDATE (Feb 20, 2017) There will be an UPDATED version of this episode soon. As is stated in the original episode, it is not anti-vax and it is not pro-vax. This episode promotes SAFE vaccines and also as a vegan, I wish for vaccines that do use animals. The updated version will contain some statements by the FDA and the CDC on the current use of thimerasol. It will update some information about the current levels of Thimerasol STILL allowed in vaccines given to pregnant mothers in their 3rd trimester. I am presenting information which I deem is presented in good faith.

The CDC continues to recommend flu vaccines to pregnant women in their third trimester and this contains Thimerasol in what they describe as “reduced” amounts.  The current level of 25 mcg in a single vaccine is not exactly “reduced”. This is significant and it’s still a neurotoxin.

I don’t consider Robert Kennedy Jr. a “conspiracy theorist”. He is an  environmental activist, author and attorney specializing in environmental law and is President of the Board of Waterkeeper Alliance, a non-profit focused on grass-roots efforts to protect and enhance waterways worldwide. He has an understanding of science and has to be au fait with scientific studies as he is involved in many cases which involve having to read through scientific studies. He is not anti-vax. He is for SAFE vaccinations, and anyone who tries to obstruct the aim for SAFE vaccinations needs to ask themselves why.

Let us keep in mind that a CDC whistle-blower scientist claimed in 2004 that CDC scientists lied to the paediatric journal about their findings. The scientist whistleblower said they tried to destroy evidence about the link between autism and the increased risk to African American children. So before passing judgement and writing it off as “conspiracy”, pay attention to the findings. Also remember that the mainstream media receive billions of dollars every year from Big Pharma and the US congress has four times as many Big Pharma lobbyists than even the arms and oil industry.

If it turns out there is incorrect information in this episode, I will be happy to correct it. It’s not about being right, it’s about what is seen to be an issue which is affecting people’s lives and the lives of their children, particularly children in poorer Black areas.

Listen to the older version.

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Vegan Trove Podcast Ep 58: “A**hole Abolitionists”: Reflections on Language and Violence


Ep 58: Listen here -> “A**hole Abolitionists”: Reflections on Language and Violence

Discussing the “7 dirty words” (and more) and their relation to violence   That and much more.

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Filed under abolitionism, Heterosexism, homophobia, Misogyny, racism, speciesism

Conversations with South Florida Vegan Education Group (13.2.17)


Another enjoyable, interesting, organic conversation (listen here) with Elena Brodskaya and Keith Berger from South Florida Vegan Education Group about all kinds of issues relating to veganism.

Enjoy. 🙂

Here is part 1 and 2

Here is part 3, 4, 5

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Vegan Trove Podcast Ep 56: The Women’s March: Returning to Comfort or Changing the System?

Listen here


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Vegan Trove Podcast Ep 54: Fear is a Strange Thing

Listen here fear

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Vegan Trove Podcast Ep 53 : The Ramblings of a Once Non-Vegan

Vegan Trove Podcast Ep 53: The Ramblings of a Once Non-Vegan


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Vegan Trove Podcast Ep 52: Masochism and Martyrdom: A Glue That Bonds Animal Advocacy Communities


Listen here

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Vegan Trove Podcast Ep 51: Some Thoughts on How We Can Improve Our Interactions with Others

Vegan Trove Podcast Ep 51: Some Thoughts on How We Can Improve Our Interactions with Others

Some thoughts on how we can improve our interactions with others, how to reduce our stress and anxiety and to be more open and better communicators.

As I mentioned in the episode here is the Loving Kindness meditation (click here) without the preamble.

For more info:
Meditation for the Love of It | Sally Kempton

FAQs about Meditation

A pdf file Meditation Fundamentals

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